ESD 105 GLAD Strategies

ESD 105 is now officially certifying teachers to become their own in-school trainers for the popular Guided Language Acquisition Design program that is used to help students with limited English proficiency understand the classroom language of academic instruction....

ESD 123 Regional Teacher Art Exhibit

ESD 123 Announces a Year-Round Commitment to Arts Education ESD 123 is proud to announce the expansion of our regional art exhibit. For the first time in the agency’s history, ESD 123 will host a Regional Teacher Art exhibit, as well as a Middle School Art Exhibit at...

ESD 105 Summer Newsletter Published

ESD 105 Summer CLASS – Making great things happen in our classroom for others. Inside the newsletter, you will be able to read about: A look inside the ESD’s new science kit center State grant expanding local STEM programs New 1st-5th science kits coming for...

ESD 123 Offers Novice Teacher Training

In 2015, two ESD 123 Content Coordinators came together to create a training designed to meet the unique needs of early career educators. At that time, none of the 23 school districts within ESD 123’s region participated in the BEST grant and the need for new teacher...