Superintendents from the state’s nine ESDs have been busy in Olympia this legislative session advocating on behalf of ESDs and the 295 school districts they collectively serve on legislation including school safety, Climate Science, special education, and Career Connected Learning. Also important to ESDs is delaying the move to the SEBB (School Employees Benefits Board) because it only funds a small portion of actual ESD employee benefits costs.
NCESD 171 Superintendent Dr. Michelle Price (center) pictured with Rep. Mike Steele and Rep. Keith Goehner, both from Legislative District 12
ESD Superintendent Tim Merlino visits with Senator Lisa Wellman in the Senate Caucus Room.
NCESD 171 Superintendent Dr. Michelle Price, Representative Sharon Tomiko Santos, and Jessica DeBarros, PSESD Executive Director, Communications, Government and Public Relations pictured at the State Capitol.
Pictured are AESD Legislative Liaison Melissa Gomosky, State Representative Monica Stonier, and ESD 113 Legislative Liaison Brad Trower, pictured with Governor Jay Inslee